Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 16

January 19, 2010
Independent run today, scheduled for 30 minutes.  I have been confused by the independent schedule.  I am assigned to the walk / run group.  Okay, so the 30 minutes assigned, is that including my 5 minute warm up and my 3-5 minute cool down? Or is my warm up and cool down in addition to the 30 minutes? I was thinking about it and I don’t want to cheat myself. So I decided that it must not included the warm up and cool down. So, in all actuality, I should be logging 38-40 minutes of activity. Wow. Can I keep moving for that long? I guess I can since I have done it with running club.
San Diego has been experiencing some major weather challenges and I do not belong to a gym.  But today is a running day. I actually own a treadmill and its in my garage. I had never set it up (I owned a second car - super cute little white Mazda Miata convertible that my ex-husband gave me for graduating from SDSU with my B.A.) due to lack of space. But I sold the car last week.  So I decided it was time to drag out the treadmill otherwise I would not be able to run. It is so windy and cold and rainy out.  I got the treadmill all set up and on I hop. Woo-hoo, I'm in business.
The treadmill work out feels vastly different than running in the street. One huge benefit is it is soft; very easy on my knees and shins. I have been worried about all of the street running as my knees and shins have been hurting intermittently.  Another benefit is there are zero hills unless I say so. The downside is I have no idea how the speeds on the treadmill correspond to my average pace. So I will have to figure it out through trial and error. Regardless, I am just so thankful to have the treadmill and glad to be able to run.
I decided to challenge myself this run, to run as much as I could. I did the 5 minute warm up and began running. I ran and ran and ran, slowly but I ran. I ended up only walking two - three minutes out of the entire 30. In terms of continuous running, that was definitely a record for me.
Incidentally, I did go to the running store and purchase some running clothes. Overall it was much better than the balled up sweatpants but I have to ask, does anyone know what kind of clothes to buy when you have big hips and a smaller waist? My running shorts waist band kept sliding up. . .. Not the worst thing ever but moderately distracting.  I will just to Google it and see what I can find. My armpit burned when I was done. I experienced my first chafing. Also, another topic for Google!
I ran 2.5 miles in the allotted time frame!