Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 8

January 11, 2010

Today is a scheduled run per Running Club. My pace group was assigned a 30 minute run, of which I completed. I paced myself as I normally do with a four minute warm up and then interval running / walking.  And after I ran for the designated time frame, I did a short cool down.

Todays run was a challenge for me. There are several potential reasons for todays difficulties.

1. Last night I could not sleep to save my life. At best I may have slept for four hours? Regardless, I was wiped before I even started the run.
2. I am all of a sudden STARVING all the time. What the heck? I cant seem to funnel enough food down my throat throughout the day. I am feeling like I did when I first became vegan and had to seriously eat every couple of hours.  Today there was no way I could run after work without eating something.  I went ahead and ate two small tangerines followed by a small portion of plain brown rice.  I haven't tried to run with food in my tummy before and I am pretty sure I will avoid that again going forward.  (Could I really feel it sloshing around? Or was it just in my head??)
3. I tried a new area to run tonight and it was hills, hills and hills! Hills are fantastic when I am running down them! I actually could feel the burn in my calf muscles as I ran.

Tonight's run was rough. I stuck with it and even went a little longer than recommended. I actually hope to work my way into the next better pace group soon. I covered 2.66 miles with a pace of 12:06 min/mile. Maybe I should just worry about the 5 mile run that will be upon me before I know it. . ..

Tonight was moms not cooking dinner. We warmed grillers vegan patties and hash browns. We will have something to report in the food department tomorrow. Although we didn't prepare our own meal, I still feel like the kids ate relatively healthy. It was still vegan and tasted good!