Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 2

January 5, 2010

Happy New Year! May 2010 bring you dreams realized!

Many apologies for the delay in Day 2. Unfortunately the holidays were a relative bust on personal goals and aspirations. I ran a little and I cooked a little but with zero consistency and zero dedication. But, we are back on track and pursuing those long terms goals.

I committed to making Betty Crocker's and Mom's recipes. I decided to make creamy, smooth mashed potatoes tonight. I didn't use a base recipe as I thought that I KNOW how to make mashed potatoes. Right? I mean who doesn't? So I have to admit I am going to make creamy, smooth mashed potatoes until I get it right. And YES, I will be making them again tomorrow night. The recipe and concoction from tonight ended up being smooth, bland and more like a thick potato soup than a mashed potato.  I am considering added some additional seasonings to the mix and taking it for lunch tomorrow as soup.

Tonight I ran as well. I ran for 28 minutes and travelled a total distance of 2.19 miles. I made a more committed effort than usual to run for a set time intermittently mixed with a minute of walking. My friend told me that's called some sort of fart run? I don't know what they are talking about but I am sure the more avid runners know the term. It made me smile tonight as I ran to think of it.

I started my run at 8:30. It was dark out but again am incredibly blessed to be able to run on the gravel paths in my neighborhood. It's about 51 outside. The neighborhood is already quiet and minimal distractions exist while I run. I listened to my ipod while tracking my run / walk intervals. I wanted to see exactly what my average mile would be seeing as I actually have no idea how 'fast' I run a mile. My running group begins on Saturday and we get grouped by our base running pace. I discovered that my mile at a comfortable pace is 11 minutes and 25 seconds. I actually thought I ran a mile slower than that, it seems slower than that while Im doing it.

Alas, I expect the cooking and running efforts will improve as I gain more practice! I am excited to report the progress.

Incidentally, I looked up if white sugar was vegan or not and why so many vegans avoid white sugar. What I discovered that while white sugar does not in fact contain animal products, the whitening process may use animal bones. So actual consumption of white sugar does not mean there is any animal consumption. The verdict is out in my book.