Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 3

Cooking: Garlic Mashed Potatoes Round 2
The second go 'round today was waaaaaaaaay better than the first attempt yesterday.  This recipe is definately a 'do-againer'.

Heres the recipe to replicate my results.

Creamy Vegan Garlic Mashed Potatoes
5 medium sized gold potatoes
1/2 c soy creamer
2 Tbspn vegan cream cheese
1/2 c vegan butter
4 cloves of roasted garlic
sea salt and  pepper to taste

1. Boil potatoes until soft. Drain.
2. Put in bowl and immediately add creamer, cream cheese , butter and roasted garlic
3. Mix with hand mixer until blended
4. Add desired seasoning

What I did was leave the skins on the potaotes. I like the skins in the mixture as it adds texture and can help to disguise if the potatoes are not completely blended perfectly. I use the gold potatoes for mashed potatoes specifically because a great chef once told me that russet potatoes were too soft for good mashed potatoes and red potatoes were too waxy. Gold potatoes are perfect so ever since then, thats what I use.

The cream cheese and soy creamer really worked to make the mashed potatoes creamy and decadent tasting. There was zero ability to distringuish between vegan and non-vegan with this recipe. The consistency of the potatoes was also absolutely perfect. Honestly I was thrilled and very surprised at how great they turned out today. (Not to mention they were absolutely yummy)

Another element that really worked for this recipe was the roasted garlic cloves. Not only do they make the house smell like a restaurant but they are so easy to use in cooking. Tomorrow I will post how to roast your own cloves of garlic. It is actually simple and the results are amazing.

Today I did exercise as well, while my son was in his karate lesson I took the liberty of walking. I walked for just under 25 minutes and covered 1.50 miles.  I am actually a little tired and my legs are a tiny bit sore. I have exercised several days in a row and am feeling the affects. Tomorrow will be a non-exercise day.

I also found that this morning I was starving! I was surprised as I am not usually a morning eater but perhaps I will discover that with the increased exercise regime, my eating habits will change as well.

Still feeling very positive about the whole thing!